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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What's Wrong With You?

When I was pregnant with our son (and we knew he was a boy), a friend of ours said to me, "I want you to call me the day you look at him and think - what is wrong with you?"  Well, Jen VK, consider yourself called.  I look at my 2.5 year old son constantly and think, "What is wrong with you?"  Sometimes I even say it out loud (yes, I know.  I shouldn't).  You might be thinking this sounds mean coming from a mom, but let me tell you - if you have a girl first and a boy second, I don't know how you could not ask that question. Everyday.

Why is this you ask?  Well, let me just give you a few examples of the things he does on a daily basis.

This could be a script from the conversation we have everyday when he comes home from school:
Son - I want a banana.
Me - Son, we are going to eat dinner in 10 minutes.  Can you wait until then?
Son - <Screaming> No, I'm hungry.  I need a banana.
Me - Okay, you can have half a banana.  Are you sure you are going to eat it?
Son - Yes.
Me - Here's the banana.
Son - I don't want a banana.  I want yogurt.
Me - No, you asked for the banana.  Eat that or be hungry.
Son - <Tantrum>
Me - Son, there's a truck outside.
Son - Where?  I want to see it!  I want to see it!
Me - Go see it.  Look out the window.
Son - I can't.  I'm scared.  I need a banana.

Here's another daily anecdote:
Son - Can I throw this?  (holding up any number of objects in the house)
Me - Son, what can we throw?
Son - Balls.  Outside.
Me - Is that a ball?   Are you outside?
Son - No.  Can I throw it?

Another one of my favorites:
Son - I want a knife.
Me - You can't have a knife.
Son - Why?
Me - It will cut you.  Owee.
Son - I want a knife.
Me - Son, it will cut you and hurt you.
Son - I want a knife.
Me - It will hurt you and we will have to go to the hospital.
Son - I want to go to the hospital.

Last but not least:
As we drive down the road to go to a restaurant for lunch-
Son - I want to go to Flores.
Me - Son, we are going to Chick-Fil-A
Son - Is Flores closed?
Me - Yes, it's closed (it's not, but that has become a simpler explanation)
Son - I want to go to Craig-O's.
Me - We are going to Chick-Fil-A
Son - Is Craig-O's closed?
Me - Yes.
Son - I want to go to Chuck E Cheese (We never go there.  I don't even know how this is in his consideration set, but I guess he always wants to just give it a shot.)
Me - We are going to Chick-Fil-A
Son - Ok.
We pull up to Chick-Fil-A.
Son - Are we going to Flores?

Seriously?  I know the kid is not dumb.  He can figure out solutions to problems.  He can engineer and un-engineer toys like a pro.  But holy cow - as my husband said, "All of the cylinders in that little brain are not firing correctly."

If you only have boys, you can probably relate but may not see anything unusual by these conversations.  If you have girls, you know that girls don't have conversations like these...at any age.

Please know that I actually know there isn't anything wrong with my son.  He's just a boy.  And I love and adore him to pieces.  He melts my heart and cracks me up everyday (as you can see from above examples).

But I'm just curious...for those of you with boys - at what age do the cylinders start firing?  Like 20?

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