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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Finding More Tickle Monster Moments

Over the past few months, I have had a few friends or acquaintances diagnosed with cancer - all who have young children.  It's definitely given me some food for thought.  What if I didn't get to have as much time with my kids as I had planned - would I do things differently?
So my goal here is not to write the sentimental blog post that makes you cry and want to go home and hug your kids.  I mean if that happens, that's not bad, but that isn't my goal. My goal is to let you know my conclusion is actually something that might make the groundhog, monotonous (sometimes anxiety-filled) days with young children more enjoyable - especially for those of us Type A parents who need to accomplish goals every day!
I mean every day isn't going to be filled with trips to Disney World and sprinkle donuts.  But there are a lot of tickle monster moments and "Look at this silly face" moments I don't take advantage of, because I'm focused on the task or goal at hand.  And with little kids, is it really that important that we always get to church on time?  Is it really that important that all of the toys are put away before we leave the house?  If those things happen most or even some of the time, it's okay.  In fact, I would probably have an easier time getting those things accomplished if we had a few more tickle monster and silly face moments.
So my mission for myself is to look for the little opportunities each day to make a moment fun rather than to focus on getting everything done.  It won't be easy every day - but hopefully, I'll get better at it!

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