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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sometimes I Just Need a Chill Pill

Last week, I got some news that sent me into a brief tail spin for about 36 hours (work related, not health related).  I had a vision of how I thought our family's lives were going to be for the next five years and suddenly with this new information, I felt like I had to completely readjust....immediately.

See that's the thing with me.  I HATE uncertainty.  I can deal with bad news, but I cannot deal with uncertainty.  Uncertainty makes me instantly plot out worst case scenarios.  I'm trying to find the emergency exit.  I'm really in a state of constant stress when uncertainty creeps in.  Why is that?

For me, I think it's because I am 100% goal oriented.  It's very hard for me to live in the here and now.  When you throw in uncertainty, I don't know how to achieve the goal...and whew, I go nuts.

This quality helps me achieve, but it doesn't necessarily make me the best parent, spouse or friend.  So I have to find my own chill pill (a legal one).  Not exactly sure what it is just yet - but I saw a quote this week that was a perfect reminder for me -- "Now and then it's good to pause in the pursuit of happiness and just be happy."

You should know that during the tail spin, I received some additional information which actually indicated things were better than before the tail spin!  If I had just remained calm until I had all of the information, I could have saved myself and my husband some unneeded stress.

Any suggestions for good chill pills?

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