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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

To What Lengths Should You Go For Good Sleep?

So the past two months we have reverted to the newborn sleeping schedule. <sigh...oops, I think I just fell asleep>  1-3 times almost every night for over two months, our four year old daughter has come to our room and needed someone to take her back to her room to tuck her in.  Now this has happened before, but we have always resolved the problem within 1-2 weeks.  We have never gone two months!  So I have dutifully tried everything I can think of to understand why she's doing this and to motivate her to stay in her bed.   I've tried rewards.  I've tried punishments.  I've tried talking (sometimes a little crying).  We have even barricaded the poor 12 year old cat in her room to keep her company.  But the end result?  She is still coming to our room and we are exhausted.

The one week we had success, I offered her a trip to the local candy store if she stayed in bed 5 straight nights.  It worked!  But once she had the reward, we were back at square one.  And I refused to offer the reward again.  Well, fast forward two months and my husband and I are totally worn down.  Last weekend I asked her if she could have anything that would motivate her to stay in her bed, what would it be.  I'm expecting her to ask for a trampoline or motorized car (both things she really wants).  But no, she says candy.  So I decided, if that's her currency and the price for sleep, so be it.  So in the foreseeable future, if she stays in bed at least 6 nights a week, I'll take her to the Candy Jar EVERY Sunday after lunch.  And you know what?  We are finally sleeping.  SHE is finally sleeping and if takes candy, so be it.  I mean she's still got her baby teeth. They aren't that important, right?

Thoughts?  Ideas?  Should I continue this until she's 16?:)

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